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Read more7 days of self care: extra
It’s quite easy to associate acts of self care with little extravagances during the day, isn’t it? Or to just do a little 7 day challenge, like that covers it all off.
And this can be true, but more often than not, self care is a way of life: a daily practice of looking out for yourself and doing the next right thing, in order to have a sustainable, happy life.
In other words: Self care is work.
Self care for me means regular therapy, and being absolutely true and vulnerable in those sessions.
It means surrounding myself with good people, and with good habits. Cutting out toxic relationships, time killers, numbing hobbies (everything from social scrolling to sugar binging!).
Self care sometimes means saying no, and a lot of the time it means showing up - doing exercise for health, taking those supplements, and going to bed early (very rock n roll).
Self care is not selfish, and it’s not an extravagance, and heck, it’s not always easy. But if you want a happy life, it is vital.
Tell me: how did you go this past week, loves? . . .
#selfcare #meditationforanxiety #movementismedicine #selflove #selfcareiswork #slowyoga #acupuncture #chinesemedicine #togoslowistogofast #mentalhealthawareness #chronicillnesswarrior #livingwithanxiety #innerwestmums
7 days of self care: day 7
Photo by Jordan Whitt on Unsplash
There is a beautiful saying in the Chinese Medicine tradition that “to slow down is to go fast”; meaning, do something slow and steady, do it well, and you won’t need to redo it - thus actually taking less time overall to get through things. But unfortunately in this modern world, we have somehow been sold this fallacy that to be 'busy' is to be worthy. It’s the rubbish story that hustle is where it’s at, that doing more is efficient, useful, and powerful, and anything else is lazy. On top of that, we live in such a time where being busy is just normal, and it can be almost impossible for some of us to find a pocket of time to just BE.
But then why is it as we get more and more used to multi-tasking, rates of burn-out are zooming upwards? Why is it no surprise that stress is the most common issue we see in the TCM clinic week after week? Answer: because this constant busy busy busy behaviour isn’t doing us any favours.
So today, can we you simply sit and be for 5 minutes? Meditate. Micro nap. Daydream. Look at the clouds (or the ceiling). Just stop and exhale. Can we give our nervous system a break? Better still, can you wrangle a day of doing nothing? Take naps, eat lunch and stare out the window. Just go slow!
What ways can you slow down, dear ones? . . .
#selfcare #7daysofselfcare #burnout #multitasking #heartoverhustle #slowdown #mindfulness #slowliving #breathe #relax #meditation #bepresent #downtime #slowyoga #meditationforanxiety #donothing #burnout #goslowtogofast #chinesemedicine #acupunctureforanxiety #mentalhealth #anxiety
7 days of self care: day 6
Photo by Artiom Vallat on Unsplash
Today, we’re exploring.
Maybe just a new wander around the neighbourhood. Maybe a new cafe with a friend. Maybe a new recipe for dinner. Dive into a book and let your mind run free.
But something beyond our day to day habits - and then we’ll get to taste, see, smell and experience the new. Live a little bigger. Breathe a little lighter.
Who’s in? Tag your mate who can go exploring with you today xo
7 days of self care: day 5
Photo by Evelin Horvath on Unsplash
As we've said earlier, one of the main function’s of the Liver in TCM is ensuring the free flow of qi (energy) around the body. Yep - it’s all about freedom, movement, flow, ease, grace. And think of the times when we’re most likely NOT in this space - it’s when we’re stressed, juggling deadlines, adult-ing 🤣 you know the drill.
So today, let’s do the opposite!
Whenever I take my wee one to the park lately, I jump on the swings, and it’s been YEARS since I’ve swung and felt that breeze in my hair. Can you swing by a swing this week?
Or maybe drop by an off leash dog park in the evening dog-walking time and play with the puppers?
Go for a swim and do handstands in the water?
Whatever simple pleasures it might be, can we forget the responsibilities for a moment and just BE in the moment? Tuning in with the lightness of the seasonal energy around us will do wonders for that free flow internally and externally!
7 days of self care: day 4
Photo by Adrien Ledoux on Unsplash
Spring time in TCM is all about making plans, dreaming and bringing these goals to life.. so be it big picture dreaming and planning, or just pulling out some paper and paints and getting messy and creative, can you create today? Drawing, painting, making mandalas out of leaves and flowers in the park, baking or a million and one other creative outlets… what could be on the menu for you?
The nitty gritty: the Liver in TCM is related to our ability to make plans and bring them all to life! But we all know life doesn't always go to plan.. so throughout the journey we need to be flexible and able to bend, while being strong enough to keep growing (think of young bamboo!).
The Gallbladder (the yang partner of yin Liver) is the decision-maker of the body, and helps us get clear on what needs doing. Plus - importantly - it helps us find the courage to implement them.
Spring then is all about moving and growing - both inside (us!) and outside (the world & nature!). Nice, isn't it?
7 days of self care: day 3
Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash
They don’t call it Spring Cleaning for nothing… and while we talked about making things easier for your digestive system yesterday, today let’s take the load off your mind by clearing your space.
Decluttering your physical space has such an impact on our heads and needn’t be a whole Kondo-esque type effort! Sometimes it’s a simple at a 10 minute tidy at the end of every night, consistently, so there’s less ‘stuff’ around. Little and often is a great motto and one I’ve seen create so much big and long-lasting change in my students and clients.
One thing at a time: your work desk, a corner of your home, your car, your cupboard! Take a big inhale, an even bigger exhale… and enjoy that space!
7 days of self care: day 2
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
Seasonally, Spring is the time to think of adding more leafy greens 🥦 🥬 🌿 🥑 🥒 onto your plate: rocket, sprouts, kale, lettuce, spinach… plus some sour flavours like lemon and apple cider vinegar, as this is flavour of the TCM season.
The Liver is seen to be responsible for the smooth flow of Qi (e n e r g y) throughout the body, and an important organ that helps with an internal Spring clean ✨ So these sour-flavours will give a punch to your digestive system and get everything moving!
All throughout the year we’re aiming for fresh, seasonal foods, but a nice Spring clean in this warmer weather seems so much more possible, doesn't it?! Why not support the body’s natural detoxification system and go easy on the dairy, sugar and processed foods this coming week?
Green smoothie anyone? Be sure to throw in some fresh ginger as well, to give it some warmth and keep the body strong (this change of season and the hot/cold/hot/cold days are prime for bugs to invade our bodies.. keep strong and well!).
Who's in?
7 days of self care: DAY 1
Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash
A little nudge in the right direction, as we enter this beautiful new phase of warm Spring. As much a reminder for me as it is for you ;) Won't you work along with me? With love xo
And just like that, Spring is in the air! With it comes a natural increase in energy along with the warmer weather (after the bunkering down vibes of Winter), so it’s the perfect time to flow with the rhythm around us. Movement is one of THE best ways to:
🌿 combat stress
🌿 increase immunity
🌿 improve sleep and mental health.
And in TCM, the Spring associated organs of the Liver and Gallbladder are alllll about the free flow of qi (energy) throughout the body - and yep, movement is always gonna be the best tool to keep this flowing with ease.
In Springtime we see all those green shoots and gorgeous blooms popping up out of nowhere (so it seems), and the air is filled with yummy scents. This vibrant energy can be expressed within us in so many ways - I'm obviously a yoga fan and a gentle flow perhaps even building a wee sweat would do wonders right now! But so would a walk outside, or a swim, or a run-around with the kids in the park. Whatever floats your boat, the time to get that spring in your step is now :) 🍃 🌱
Tag this and shout out to your yoga buddy who inspires you to keep on flowing xo